Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Satay And Peas Curry

Satay And Peas Curry
Sate (Satay old spelling) is a type of food that is pierced with skewers. In particular, the satay is made from pieces of meat on a skewer inserted / bamboo and burned using charcoal fire. 
Sate created by traders who sell grilled meat bred by the roadside in the 19th century in Malaysia satay reliable introduced by Haji Tasmin bin Ferris in the center of Addis Ababa around 1900. He sold the houses and along the streets, he would stop if called. So his business is the business of moving or dealer drive. This refers to the two containers dikandar by dealers. Overview of the sate dealer carrying his wares can be seen in the film Pontianak Gua Musang.


1 kg of beef / lamb / chicken (discard the tissue, wash and drain. Cut the meat thin and elongated).
2 tablespoons brown sugar / cane / melaka / palm.
2 teaspoons of salt.
Adequately sate skewers, soak in water overnight.

For spinning:
2 tablespoons chopped fennel
1 tablespoon white pepper
3 tablespoons coriander seeds
2 inches of ginger
2 inches of ginger
1 inch turmeric
4 stalks of lemongrass
6 cloves of garlic

for grilling
1 cup peanut oil / cooking oil
4 tablespoons brown sugar / sand
Air excess marinade (which fall within the former tu lah)
4 stalks lemongrass, bruised and tied to create a variety of brush

Mix 13, 14 and 15 (after this called oil mixture)


1.      Blend the ingredients mentioned but not too fine.
2.      Mix ingredients in meat blended with sugar, salt and marinate for 2 hours
3.      Insert the skewers on a stick.
4.      Store in the refrigerator overnight (or for at least 5 hours).
5.      Prepare coals for grilling areas
6.      Arrange the skewers on the grill burner.
7.      During the burn spot / brush oil mixture on the skewers.
8.      Turning, and bake until cooked.
9.      Serve with peanut sauce, cucumber, onion and rice cake.


Peas Curry
5 cups peanut oil, for frying without oil and crushed.
15 dried chillies, boiled and cleaned.
10 shallots, sliced ​​rude.
5 cloves garlic, tap it with a knife.
1 inch ginger, sliced ​​rude.
5 stalks of lemongrass.
half a cup of cooking oil.
2-3 teaspoons of salt.
1 square inch of belacan Melaka, burned.
1 cup sugar (or sugar).
Water, enough to concentrations required
Optional - soak the chopped squid / octopus dry soaked and chopped / shredded beef - approximately 2 cups. - It's hard to eat with rice cake, not as a satay sauce.
Optional - gelugor acid (5-6 pieces).

1.      Blend ingredients no. 2, 3, 4, 5 & 9.
2.      Gorang oil in a frying pan and a little thicker in the Saute ingredients already in the blend, stirring frequently, fry up dry.
3.      Add water and lemon, stir, let simmer until
4.      Put the beans and mix well.
5.      Enter squid (if using) and acid gelugor (if used)
6.      Reduce heat and let cook until the oil out.
7.      Enter the flesh peel (if using)
8.      Add sugar, stir well and leave again on fire for more about 15 minutes.
9.      Adjust taste with salt and sugar.

10.  Chill before serving.